The Romance Languages
Martin Harris and 1 more
Not Available
The Slavonic Languages
Professor Greville Corbett and 1 more
The Germanic Languages
Ekkehard Konig and 1 more
The Oceanic Languages
John Lynch and 2 more
Bernard Comrie and 1 more
The Indo-Aryan Languages
George Cardona
The Semitic Languages
John Huehnergard
George Cardona and 1 more
The Tai-Kadai Languages
Anthony V N Australian National University Diller
The Celtic Languages
Martin Ball
The Austronesian Languages of Asia and Madagascar
K Alexander Adelaar
Anthony Van Nostrand Diller and 2 more
The Iranian Languages
Gernot Windfuhr
The Khoesan Languages
Rainer University of Frankfurt and 2 more
The Munda Languages
Gregory DS Anderson
Martin Ball and 1 more
The Indo-European Languages
Mate KapoviÔc
The Mayan Languages
Judith Aissen and 2 more
The Languages of Japan and Korea
Nicolas Tranter
The Mongolic Languages
Juha Janhunen
John Lynch
Language Isolates
Lyle Campbell
The Dravidian Languages
Sanford B Steever
In Stock
£189.00 £210.00
The Sino-Tibetan Languages
Graham Thurgood and 1 more
John Huehnergard and 1 more
The Turkic Languages
Lars Johanson
The Bantu Languages
Mark L O van de Velde and 3 more
The Tungusic Languages
Alexander Vovin and 2 more
Lars Johanson and 1 more
The Uralic Languages
Daniel Mario Abondolo and 1 more
Lenore Grenoble and 1 more